Here are the highlights of Hrthiks interview with Arnab Goswami. Hrithik spoke about his relation with Kangana.He denied tha he was in an kind of relation with Kangana and he is innocent.The mail thing was one sided only by kangana and he didnt write a single mail to her.

How to be a better person and be happy – Secrets and Tips revealed.

Everyone wants to be happy and to be a better person. But in reality is it really possible to have all the happiness and be a better human being? The answer is more complex than you think. Happiness is a state of mind. Most people are sad because they dont know how to manage their state of mind. Happiness is a choice, you can choose to be happy and choose to be a better person.

How to do an Elevator Pitch

How to execute an elevator pitch is a basic thing in the telephone sales. If you execute an elevator pitch perfectly on the telephone you are guaranteed to get more sales.

The art of sales or the art of selling depends on how you make a perfect elevator pitch combines of multiple things, but the key is getting straight to the point and to tell them what is in it for them and how they are benefited. Most telesales or telephone sales people spend too much time explaining what is irrelevant and end up blowing the sale up. If you wish to succeed in sales, follow this sample of an elevator pitch which is mentioned in this video. Opening a sales call is critical, what you say in the next 30 seconds will determine whether the client or customer is interested in speaking to you or is more interested in hanging up. What needs to be said in the first 30 seconds is very crucial, mention what are the advantages which you are providing to the customer and why they should use your product over other products. If you are wondering the secret of cold calling, mastering an effective elevator pitch is essential. Sales job come with a lot of pressure, but that does not mean that you can not achieve suc

What is Innovation

Innovation is very important and for that you need to understand what is innovation and the importance of Innovation. Be creative and unleash your hidden potential for creative ideas and creative thinking at its best. The innovation process is very important if you wish to progress in life. If your question is how to be intelligent and how to become more intelligent, the answer is through creativity and innovation.



For this to happen you need to constantly ask yourself the following questions – How to become intelligent? How to be a better person? How to be creative. This is the underlying fact of personality development. Once you master this you can unleash the hidden creative genius within yourself. The problem with most people is that when it comes to creativity and when it comes to explaining their dreams to others and when others discard their ideas, it becomes demotivating and people automatically give up. What needs to be understood here is that if people accept all crazy ideas to start with then there is a shortage of ideas in the world. In order for you to stand out, you need to believe in yourself and write down your ideas no matter how crazy they might sound. When this is done, you may stumble across something which other people might not have thought about. This is the beauty of creativity, you never know what ideas strike you and when they strike you. If you look at all the successful people in the world who have gone and achieved something in their life, their ideas were ahead of their time when they initially started and people ridiculed them. But this did not make them stop, they kept trying over and over again and when they succeeded, other people start thinking and saying what a genius now why didn’t I think of this earlier. So watch this video and enjoy. I hope you unleash the creative potential within yourself.




DEBT-How to come out of it?

What is Debt – How to get out of debt – Debt Management – Get out of Debt

The younger generation of people have started focusing on borrowing money and adding a lot of debt. This is a dangerous situation if left unchecked. One way of how to get out of debt is to understand why you need to take a debt at the first place. The best Debt advice which can be given to people is to first make them understand what is debt and what are the risks involved in taking too much debt. It not only affects you but the people around you. This video shows what happens when people need help with debt and how it affects them till they pay off debt. There is a huge emotional and physical toll involved when there is too much debt that one person takes on and is not able to pay it back. These days’ people do not think twice before adding debt as to how they are going to repay the debt or what needs to be done to repay the debt. Most people need to understand and look at the long picture and avoid debt at all cost. This video explains what are the risks involved while piling up debt and what are the emotional and physical constraints that come with this.

How to be a Leader

The secrets of Leadership on How to be an one man army and how to get people to follow you. This is the key to the success of various businesses across the world. This video teaches you the basics of how to be an one man army.

If you would like to learn more search on youtube for the following terms and you will come up across great leadership videos. business, ted ,leader, leadership skills, ted talk, ted talks, development , inspiration, success, personal, coaching, work, tedtalks, happiness, speaker, motivation, ted x,tedx, tedx talks, tedx talk, united states, inspirational, psychology, leadership (quotation subject), leadership training, speech, ted (organization), tedtalk, jakes, management (profession),workplace, simon sinek, training, entrepreneur, tedxtalks ,brain, students, seminar, communication, cause, how to be a leader, management, change, john maxwell, marketing, leadership, leadership skills, how to become a leader, leader, how to lead, being a leader, be a leader, how to be leader, management styles, conviction, how to be a leader in a group, leadership training, what is a leader, psychology

Finding Happiness

The secret on how to be happy and finding happiness in life exposed here. We show you ways to be happy and how you can achieve it. Most people in life do not know how to deal with sadness and how to stop being depressed. There are many ways to be happy but you have to choose to be happy or otherwise you may never find happiness.

The key to happiness is to accept the fact that in life there are situations which are out of your control and the more you stop reacting to situations and make a conscious effort on how to be happy in life, the easier it becomes. The question which you need to ask yourself is how to be happy always and what can you do to make this better. Happiness is a choice, you can be rich or be poor and still be happy if you know that you want to stay happier. Most people go through emotions and never make an effort on staying content with what they have. This is the biggest problem. Most people never thank themselves for what they have, they always look at thing which they do not have. If you want to know how to be happy again, Step one is to acknowledge and thank the heavens for everything you have. The second step is to take a conscious decision on choosing to stay happy even if things are bad. You need to understand that everyone has their own share of problems and every day is different. What is in your control is to take hold of the situation and try to be happy. Finding happiness is an age old question and the answer to the different ways to be happy will lie within oneself. I hope you enjoyed watching this video as much as I enjoyed creating it and the summary of this video is that happiness is a choice and it is a conscious decision which you have to take in order to stay happy for ever.

Impossible is Nothing

How to relieve Stress in life – How to calm down – Stress Relief health and balance – management tip.
One of the biggest problems with the current generation is the problem with too much stress and lack of stress relief education. We live in a world which is very fast and it is essential to know how to calm down and how to relieve stress in building a good health.

The advice here is to learn more about stress management and have a good health. Wellbeing in life is important and self development of learning how to beat stress is a must for this. Listen to soothing music, follow meditation, have a good sleep, let the body’s healing being and listen to relaxing music and bring the calming effect into your body. There is a lot of relaxation mediation music available on youtube itself which can bring a lot of happiness into the mind . If you learn how to reduce stress and follow de-stress patterns with breathing exercises and improvement of life is no longer a how to question. Stress causes a lot of issues like anxiety, paranoia and keeps the mind and body at a constant fight or flight mode and this creates bad health. The basic of personal development is to beat stress and this can be done by exercising, taking deep breath, control the stress levels and bring a balance in your life.
Here are more videos which you can enjoy on stress management………………

3 Reasons to Invest in Yourself

Tоdау, І јust wаnt tо tаkе sоmе tіmе оut tо lеt уоu knоw thаt І hаvе nоt аlwауs bееn thе wоmаn thаt І аm tоdау! Му еntrерrеnеur јоurnеу stаrtеd іn 2010 аnd іt wаs а lоt оf uрs аnd dоwn. І mеаn І саn rесаll а mаnу оf nіghts whеrе thеrе wеrе slеерlеss nіghts, а lоt оf tеаrs fаllіng аnd tо tор іt аll оff, І hаd nо сluе whаt І wаs dоіng. І wіll еvеn gо sо fаr аs tо sау thаt І stіll hаd а sоmеwhаt сluttеrеd mіnd. Ѕо, whеn І stаrtеd mу соmраnу, І соuldn’t fіgurе оut fоr thе lіfе оf mе whу еvеrуоnе kерt соmіng tо mе аskіng fоr а hооk uр.

Аs tіmе wеnt bу, І stаrtеd rеsеаrсhіng аbоut hоw tо іnvеst іn mу lіfе іn еvеrу аrеа: mеntаllу, sріrіtuаllу, fіnаnсіаllу, аnd sосіаllу. І hаd bесоmе ассustоmеd tо frее gіvеаwауs аnd hооkuрs. Оnсе І bеgаn tо stаrt іnvеstіng іn mуsеlf, thіngs bеgаn tо сhаngе. І mеаn І hіrеd а lіfе соасh, аnd whеn І tеll уоu оur fіrst sеssіоn, wаs а tеаrу еуеd сlаss, shе bеgіn tо shоw mе thіngs thаt І wаs stіll strugglіng wіth іn mу реrsоnаl lіfе thаt wаs sріrаlіng оvеr іntо mу busіnеss. Ѕо, уоu sее, уоu hаvе tо іnvеst іn уоursеlf fіrst bеfоrе уоu wіll еvеr gеt аnуоnе еlsе tо іnvеst іn уоu. Весаusе І stаrtеd vаluіng mуsеlf аnd stор рuttіng а рrісе tаg оn mу hарріnеss, реасе, lоvе, аnd јоу, І bеgаn tо sее thіngs mаnіfеst rіght bеfоrе mу vеrу оwn еуеs.